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Plastic Surgery Blog

What does Dr. Steinsapir think of tear trough implants for under eye hollows?

Published on March 28, 2013

Background of Tear Trough Implants Tear trough implants are a surgery where an implant is placed in the under eye hollow area just below the orbital rim on the facial skeleton. It provides more volume in this hollow area. The

I have uneven eyelids after ptosis surgery. Can anything be done?

Published on March 28, 2013

A common goal in eyelid surgery is to seek symmetry between both eyes, particularly in the cases of ptosis where the initially presenting problems may include asymmetry along with issues like functionality and aesthetics. Ptosis is commonly understood as a

Dr. Steinsapir Featured in The New York Times

Published on February 10, 2013

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/03/fashion/questions-surround-iris-implant-procedure-skin-deep.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 http://www.realself.com/article/eye-color-surgery-updated Dr. Steinsapir Featured in The New York Times If you keep up with the New York Times, one of the most reputable newspapers in the world, you may have read about Dr. Steinsapir in the recent article Looking

Transconjunctival versus Transcutaneous Lower Eyelid Surgery

Published on February 10, 2013

Transconjunctival and transcutaneous lower eyelid surgeries are each a type of lower blepharoplasty, a plastic eyelid surgery that can address a range of issues such as excess fat or “puffiness” around the lower eyelid, loose and wrinkled skin. For great

Can I go blind from my Restylane treatment?

Published on February 7, 2013

While the probability of going blind from Restylane treatment is extremely low, the risk is not zero. Indeed, every medical procedure including the very safest ones comes with some level of risk. With any procedure, the key is in weighing

Facelift Surgery – Are You A Good Candidate?

Published on February 6, 2013

Facelift surgeries are clinical procedures whose goal is to diminish the number of wrinkles and improve their appearance in the facial area; facelifts can also be used for correcting other distinctive signs of aging both in the face and the

My eyes are dry since my eyelid surgery. Is there any help?

Published on December 13, 2012

Dry eye after a recent eyelid surgery is not necessarily cause for alarm, but certainly something you and your doctor should monitor together and take steps to relieve. Eyelid surgery is a complex procedure that has many rewards and is

What is supratarsal fixation and how does it differ from anchor blepharoplasty?

Published on December 12, 2012

Supratarsal Fixation Supratarsal fixation is really an antiquated method that invites the surgeon to form a crease that is simply too high for virtually every patient. The natural eyelid crease is caused by connective tissue fibers that firmly connect the

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Restylane Lyft® Power

Published on December 12, 2012

With a number of facial fillers on the market today and a number of fillers that have been used historically, we have seen great progress as these medical technologies and their applications develop over time. Restylane and Restylane Lyft® stand

Monocheek syndrome: What to do if you have been overfilled with fillers.

Published on December 12, 2012

Advantages of Fillers One major appeal of hyaluronic fillers like Restylane Lyft®, Restylane, and Juvederm–arguably some of today’s best facial fillers for many individuals–is the relative ease with which treatment can be given, modified, and even reversed. Opting to have