Forehead Lift FAQ
Brow Lift Beverly Hills – Forehead Lift Los Angeles
For your convenience, Dr. Steinsapir has compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions about cosmetic forehead lift surgery. If your question is not answered below, please do not hesitate to contact our private practice facility, located in Beverly Hills, California. We look forward to speaking with you, and are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
How do I know if I am a candidate for eyelid surgery vs. an endoscopic forehead lift?
There are a number of considerations that go into making this decision. A choice that makes sense for one person may not be right for you. Ultimately, surgery must be tailored for the individual. A personal consultation with Dr. Steinsapir is the best way to determine the optimal facial rejuvenation techniques for your specific situation, based on your anatomy, personal goals, and aesthetic preferences.
I had an open forehead lift 12 years ago. I think it is time for another and wondered if I can have an endoscopic forehead lift even though my last procedure was performed with the open technique?
Yes. An endoscopic forehead lift can be effectively performed even after a prior open forehead lift.
I have had hair grafting. Will the incisions for the endoscopic forehead lift damage my hair grafts?
It is possible that the small incisions, which are made behind the hairline, could cause the loss of a small number of grafts; however, this loss is generally imperceptible to the naked eye, and concerns about this should be balanced against the benefits of the forehead lift.
Are there any significant health concerns I should be worried about when having an endoscopic forehead lift?
The endoscopic forehead lift is generally a very well tolerated surgery. As the surgery can be performed under intravenous sedation, endotracheal intubation anesthesia (a.k.a. ‘general’ anesthesia) is avoided. When a forehead lift is performed with general anesthesia, the placement of the breathing tube is the most stressful aspect of surgery, and the potential for complications increases in individuals with multiple cardiovascular risk factors (i.e. high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.). Dr. Steinsapir will perform a thorough assessment of your health status prior to surgery. When indicated, he may also have you assessed by your primary medical doctor prior to surgery.
Can I have BOTOX® as an alternative to a forehead lift?
BOTOX® and Xeomin® can be an excellent alternative to a forehead lift. By utilizing the Microdroplet™ method of BOTOX® administration, it is possible to create elevation at the eyebrow. However, the results are not as dramatic or as long-lasting as actual surgery (BOTOX® results last 4-6 months on average). Many patients considering actual surgery are seeking results that are more powerful than what can be achieved with BOTOX®. These details should be discussed with Dr. Steinsapir at the time of your consultation, in order to determine the best course of treatment.
How long will an endoscopic forehead lift last?
It is important to understand that the endoscopic forehead lift, like all cosmetic surgery procedures, does not stop the clock. Aging and the effects of sun and gravity continue to accumulate over time. On average, endoscopic forehead lift results are long-lasting, and patients can reasonably expect their results to last 5-10 years.