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Will fotofacial treatments affect my Restylane service?

Published on August 4, 2012

Minimally invasive procedures have become a very popular way of improving one’s appearance. Several different treatments can be performed at one time minimizing downtime. Photo facial and facial filling with Restylane and Restylane Lyft® is a very common combination of services. The fillers address volume deficiencies like under eye dark circles, lip lines, loss of facial fullness and Photo facial can improve sun damage, facial redenss to even the complexion. The filler is placed sufficiently deep in or below the skin that it is unaffected by the Photo facial. So there is no reason to be concerned if you are having both services at the same time or if you previously were treated with fillers. Your suitability for either or both of these procedures is best determined at a private consultation with a qualified oculoplastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon. The good news is that these procedures are compatible, safe, and comfortable.

Understanding the basis for how Restylane and Fotofacial both work will clarify why it is safe to receive both treatments. Photo facial is an intense pulse light treatment (IPL) that improves red spots, small blood vessels, and sun damage. These treatments are the basis for photo facials, and they are generally delivered over the course of four to six sessions at three weeks intervals. This is sufficient time to see improvements in your skin’s appearance, creating a more even tone and skin firming. Fotofacial works by directly treating your skin where the sun damage, pigmentary, and capillaries responsible for redness reside.

Restylane treatment, on the other hand, is carefully placed under the skin to correct deficiencies in facial volume, such as the under eye circle. For example, under eye Restylane is safely placed beneath the skin to address the volume needs, thus improving what we perceive as dark circles under the eyes. Because Restylane works from under the skin while Fotofacial directly targets the skin itself, Restylane treatments are unaffected by IPL treatment, and vice versa.

It is important to always disclose your complete past and current medical history with your physician as you develop your treatment plan. This will ensure that your care is as safe and personalized as possible. Dr. Steinsapir specializes in both Fotofacial and Restylane treatments and is the inventor of of Deepfill Restylane method, the breakthrough approach to correcting under eye hollows. Dr. Steinsapir is friendly and approachable, and will gladly answer your questions and help you feel confident in your treatment choices. Call us today to schedule an individualized consultation and see results.

About Dr. Steinsapir

Dr. Steinsapir is a board certified eye surgeon and fellowship-trained in oculoplastic surgery and cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles where he specializes in balanced facial cosmetic surgery for natural results, with an emphasis on minimally invasive techniques, fast recovery time, and leadership in medical technology. Dr. Steinsapir has a private practice and also serves as an Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at the Jules Stein Eye Institute, at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Contact us

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