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Should I have a forehead lift or upper eyelid surgery?

Published on September 18, 2012


Facial cosmetic surgery can do wonders in enhancing your appearance and confidence, giving you a brighter and more youthful appearance. Since a forehead lift and upper eyelid surgery can both lead to an alert and refreshed look around the eyes, you may wonder if either a forehead lift or an eyelid surgery is best for you. There are general indications for each procedure, and other times there may be indication you’ll benefit from both; but in short, the answer can only be determined through a private consultation and examination with your specialized cosmetic surgeon.


A forehead lift is also known as a browlift or eyebrow lift, and it helps many to achieve more youthful features by smoothing creases, reducing frown lines, and elevating the brow line to its appropriate position. The small incision forehead lift, as practiced by Dr. Steinsapir, has revolutionized the way we approach forehead lifts and the results achieved. A couple decades ago the “open forehead lift” was standard but offered less natural results, often a harsher look, and a lengthy recovery period; whereas today the endoscopic or “small incision” or “closed” forehead lift is regarded as one of the most important cosmetic surgeries.

In some cases, a forehead lift may be performed in combination with upper eyelid surgery, which is also called a “lidlift.” Combination surgery is not just for a more comprehensive improvement. Combination surgery is often performed to optimize the overall cosmetic appearance. This avoids having to push a single approach to the point where the results are less than ideal or natural.

Once upper eyelid surgery is commonly indicated when there is excess fat deposits and loose skin crowding around the eyes, weighing them down and creating a tired or drooping appearance. Now upper eyelid surgery is also used to correct small amounts of eyelid ptosis, strengthen the support for the eyelashes to address lash ptosis. The goal is preservation of upper eyelid volume with the retention of the upper eyelid fold. Skeletonization of the upper eyelid is still too common an outcome of upper eyelid surgery and Dr. Steinsapir advocates for the preservation of upper eyelid structure to avoid a surgical look.

An Individualized Approach

Both a heavy brow and forehead concerns, as well as this extra tissue around the eyes can detract from your appearance, it’s a very good question to ask whether you might benefit from a forehead lift or lidlift. The right approach for you will depend on the root cause of your concern, which an experienced oculofacial surgeon can help you determine. The importance of this individual consultation and physical examination is paramount, as a successful surgery with natural results comes from having a plan that is specifically designed for you.

Please call us today to schedule a no-risk consultation with Dr. Steinsapir, who is an international leader in minimally invasive cosmetic facial procedures–including the forehead lift, facelift, and eyelid surgery–with particular attention to how the entire face interacts with the eyes, our most expressive feature. By consulting with the best, you’ll receive answers and finally achieve the look you desire.

About Dr. Steinsapir

Dr. Steinsapir is a board certified eye surgeon and fellowship-trained in oculoplastic surgery and cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles where he specializes in balanced facial cosmetic surgery for natural results, with an emphasis on minimally invasive techniques, fast recovery time, and leadership in medical technology. Dr. Steinsapir has a private practice and also serves as an Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at the Jules Stein Eye Institute, at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Contact us today to learn how Dr. Steinsapir’s experience and training make him an expert in cosmetic surgery, which can be a vital part of your evidence-based treatment plan.

Services described may be “off-label” and lack FDA approval. This article is informational and does not constitute an advertisement for off-label treatment. No services should be provided without a good faith examination by a licensed physician or surgeon and an informed consent with a discussion of risks, benefits, alternatives, and the likelihood of treatment success. Only you and your treating physician or surgeon can determine if a treatment is right for you.