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Is there any difference between Microbotox and Microdroplet botulinum toxin treatment?

Published on December 12, 2011

There is an enormous difference between these two similar sounding treatments. Microbotox is a mesotherapy technique used to place very dilute BOTOX solution intradermally. The goal is to use BOTOX to relax the smooth muscles responsible for dilating pores. Proponents of the method feel the treatment helps create a smoother looking skin. This service does not address the muscles that create facial expression and are responsible for facial wrinkles.

In contrast, Dr. Steinsapir developed Microdroplet TM botulinum toxin as an alternative method for addressing brow ptosis and forehead lines without freezing facial expression or creating the risk of a droopy eyelid. Microdroplet TM botulinum toxin concentrates treatment in the muscles that account for eyebrow depression. These muscles live right along the eyebrow. The key to the treatment is using very small doses of botulinum toxin just below the level of the skin where the muscles of facial expression insert. This effective traps the botulinum toxin so the treatment can’t diffuse into the upper eyelid. Because only the muscles that pull the eyebrows down are relaxed, the frontalis muscle of the forehead does not have to work as hard to lift the eyebrows. This means fewer forehead lines without paralyzing the frontalis muscle. That frozen look is associated with heavy forehead treatment. Microdroplet botulinum toxin creates a forehead lift without freezing the forehead. This means you have natural forehead movement.

Microdroplet TM botulinum toxin treatment is so unique that the United States Trademark and Patent Office recognized Dr. Steinsapir as the inventor of this method and issued a rare medical method patent for this treatment.

About Dr. Steinsapir

Dr. Steinsapir is a much sought after oculofacial surgeon. He is an innovator in minimally invasive cosmetic and reconstructive procedures and has invented new methods for treating with BOTOX, fillers and cutting edge reconstructive eyelid and midface surgery. He specializes in high precision eyelid surgery and is a leader in correcting prior facial and eyelid surgery, including multiple revised cosmetic eyelid reconstructions. He attended medical school at the UCLA and completed ophthalmology residency at The University of Chicago. He is multiple fellowship trained including three years of fellowship training in oculofacial plastic surgery at UCLA, and a two-year cosmetic surgery fellowship in Rancho Mirage. He is widely published and lectures to other surgeons nationally and internationally. He is an associate clinical professor of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Jules Stein Eye Institute at UCLA. His private practice is located in West Los Angeles, immediately serving the Los Angeles and Bevery Hills communities. Additionally, individuals from all over the country and the world regularly come to Los Angeles for this expert care.
To learn more about Dr. Steinsapir’s specialized Restylane treatments, please contact us today.
Services described may be “off-label” and lack FDA approval. This article is informational and does not constitute an advertisement for off-label treatment. No services should be provided without a good faith examination by a licensed physician and an informed consent with a discussion of risks, benefits, alternatives, and the likelihood of treatment success. Only you and your treating physician or surgeon can determine if a treatment is right for you.

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