9001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 305, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Forehead Lift


Forehead Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Concern: 54-year old man who is interested in enhancing his appearance.  He feels his eyes make him look tired.


  1. Forehead wrinkles.
  2. Eyebrow ptosis with hooding of the upper eyelids.
  3. Crowsfeet wrinkles.
  4. Lower eyelid wrinkles.


  1. Endoscopic forehead lift.
  2. Lower eyelid chemical peel.

Discussion:  It is critical that men not have all of their features removed by cosmetic surgery.  Men for the most part benefit from looking just a bit grizzled.  In particular, it is important to leave a little skin in the upper eyelid so that the eyes are not feminized.  He had about 1 week out of the office but was able to conduct business by phone the day after his surgery.

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift