9001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 305, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Best Anesthesia for Eyelid Surgery

Published on October 31, 2016

Best Anesthesia for Eyelid Surgery


Please do not have eyelid surgery under general anesthesia not matter how fantastic your potential surgeon makes it sound! It does not lead to accurate eyelid surgery. Accurate eyelid surgery is best done under intravenous sedation where you are alert enough to cooperate with your surgeon to open and close the eyelid. You really do not need to be totally out of it. With sufficient sedation coupled with local anesthesia, you will be very comfortable. This level of anesthesia will allow you to follow simple commands during surgery. Why is this critically important to get the best possible outcome? Essential structures are almost impossible to identify unless you can cooperate and look up and down when asked during surgery. Cooperation permits accurate sculpting of fat, adjustment of the upper eyelid fold, and correction of eyelid and lash ptosis. Without cooperation, your surgeon is just guessing. Don’t have a surgery where your surgeon is guessing. Have surgery with a surgeon who knows what they are doing.

Cosmetic eyelid surgery is one of the most powerful cosmetic surgeries, with the ability to transform your appearance and achieve a youthful, bright appearance. For these reasons, it is one of the most popular surgeries today. Dr. Steinsapir is a world-renowned leader in cosmetic eyelid surgery, seeing patients from across the United States and internationally for care at his practice in Beverly Hills, California. At your first consultation, ask him what type of anesthesia he prefers. Now you know. Eyelid surgery is a profoundly comfortable procedure that can be safely performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation in Dr. Steinsapir’s fully accredited surgery center.

Some people are naturally nervous about undergoing any surgery, and wonder if it is possible to have eyelid surgery performed under general anesthesia. This is a common and completely understandable question. To achieve the best results, Dr. Steinsapir advises against general anesthesia for your eyelid surgery. This is because it is key for you to have the ability to open and close your eyes during surgery. Your surgeon needs the ability to speak with you during surgery, and having some level of awareness is essential in order for you to be able to cooperate. The ability to open and close your eyes will enable your doctor to see how the eyelids are working and ensure that your outcome is the best possible. If you are fully asleep, this is not possible, and your results will be compromised.

Eyelid surgery can be easily and safely performed under a local anesthetic with intravenous sedation. It is really the best of all worlds. You are able to cooperate and yet you are very relaxed and comfortable for your procedure. There is no scratchy throat from the airway tube needed for general anesthesia. Recovery after anesthesia is much more rapid. Dr. Steinsapir’s private practice facility is fully equipped and accredited according to National and State of California requirements. Licensed anesthesia providers works with Dr. Steinsapir to control the level of sedation. That way you are aware when you need to cooperate and less aware when your cooperation is not needed.

Being comfortable with your surgeon is essential. You must go into surgery feeling secure and confident. You should always ask your surgeon all questions you may have prior to your surgery to be fully informed. Your initial conversation with your surgeon can help to put you at ease. This is the time to discuss anesthesia options, ask questions, express your thoughts and feelings, and receive feedback. Go with the surgeon with whom you are most comfortable.

We encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Steinsapir. He is open and honest about the nature of anesthesia, what to expect, and what your options are. Dr. Steinsapir customizes every surgery to the individual’s unique features and desired outcome. Having the first conversation can help you decide whether eyelid surgery is right for you, and this is the time to decide on an action plan that feels right to you. Dr. Steinsapir will listen carefully, give you expert advice, and communicate with you closely before, during, and after surgery to make sure that you have a positive experience and the best results possible.