9001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 305, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Mid Facelift

Patient 1

Patient 1

Cosmetic Concern: 33 year with lower eyelid compromise after lower transcutaneous blepharoplasty. Diagnosis: The lower eyelids have been pulled down do to lack of skin and scaring caused by her original lower eyelid surgery. The lower eyelids eyes are bowed

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 2

Patient 2

Midface Surgery Aesthetic Restorative Concern: 52-year old woman who had silicone cheek implants placed twenty years before. At the time she also had a facelift and a four-eyelid blepharoplasty. She has a history of a prominent left eye. She is

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 3

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 3

Midface & Forehead Surgery Cosmetic Concern: 42-year-old woman concerned about her aging appearance. Diagnosis: The heaviness of the upper eyelids is due to a fall in the forehead or brow ptosis.  The descent of the malar fat pad is also

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 4

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 4

Cosmetic Concern:  58-year old man who is concerned about looking fresher and younger. Diagnosis: Forehead wrinkles. Severe eyebrow ptosis. Herniated lower eyelid orbital fat Midface ptosis. Facial wrinkles. Neck cords. Treatment: Endoscopic forehead lift. Midface lift over hand carved orbital

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 5

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Patient 5

Midface & Forehead Lift Cosmetic Concern: 36 year old concerned about the circles under her eyes and the heaviness of her upper eyelids. Diagnosis: The heaviness of the upper eyelids is due to a fall in the forehead or brow

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 6

Mid Facelift
Mid Facelift
Patient 6

75 year old woman with fullness of the lower eyelids. This woman previously had upper eyelid surgery and a facelift.  Classically, she would be offered lower eyelid surgery to remove the puffiness in the lower eyelid.  She might also be

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.

Patient 7

Mid Facelift
Mid Facelift
Patient 7

Midface Surgery Cosmetic Concern: 51-year old man who feels his lower eyelids make him look very tired. Diagnosis: Midface ptosis with poor lower eyelid projection. Herniated lower eyelid orbital fat. Lower eyelid wrinkles. Treatment: Midface lift with hand carved ePTFE

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Steinsapir and set up a consultation.